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2024-04-18 12:37:47

oh, neat!
#CISA has opened up signups to their malware analysis service to any #cybersecurity folks that want to view results (any member of the public could anonymously submit samples before)
2024-03-19 09:42:30

"(C) The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature". 🤨 *seufz*

foto einer buchseite mit dem zitierten copyright-eintrag; der rest der seite ist zur anonymisierung unkenntlich gemacht worden
2024-03-05 03:18:48

Internet of Dongs (gah I love them) also got their hands on the "Reddit said this vibrator has malware" vibrator this weekend, pulled it apart, and confirmed it doesn't have malware:
2024-02-12 10:06:46

The #Rochdale kerfuffle is ridiculous. Ali was merely repeating what mainstream media have already covered. Here's a sample available to anyone with a web browser.
Current coverage ignores this.
"Labour criticised for backing Rochdale candidate after offensive Israel remark" | Labour | The Guardian

Israel obtained, ignored Hamas document laying out Oct. 7 attack plan ...

Israel obtained, ignored Hamas document laying out Oct. 7 attack plan, report alleges NYT says officials who saw 40-page paper dismissed it as unrealistic, continuing to believe the terror...

Anonymous View

Israeli intelligence leak details ext…
2024-03-05 03:18:48

Internet of Dongs (gah I love them) also got their hands on the "Reddit said this vibrator has malware" vibrator this weekend, pulled it apart, and confirmed it doesn't have malware: